Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Resolved: An error occurred while gathering user information (Thinkvantage System Update)

Make sure you are logged in as an Administrator or a user with administrative rights to apply the following fix.
Step 1
 Remove all previous log files from C:\program files\lenovo\system update\logs

Step 2 
Click Start -> Run -> Secpol.msc
Click Security Options.
Find System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing and signing
Disable this setting

Step 3
Navigate to:
C:\Program Files\Lenovo\System Update\session\system\SSClientCommon
For 64 bit OS
C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\System Update\session\system\SSClientCommon
Open file MappingInterface.xml using Notepad
Add the following lines:
<Name>Windows 7 Professional</Name>
<ServiceRelease>Service Pack 1</ServiceRelease>
<OSQuest>Windows 7</OSQuest>
If you're using other version than Professional, just change WIN7-PRO.SP1 to WIN7-UTL.SP1 etc and 4th line to WINDOWS 7 Ultimate.
You should be able to run the System Update now.
This fix can work for any other Windows Operating systems as long as correct name and version is put into the above code.
For Windows Server 2008, try the following code, I've put together. Bare in mind that it is not tested so please take a back up of the original XML file stated above before making changes on the server.
 <Name>Windows Server 2008 Standard</Name>
 <ServiceRelease>Service Pack 1</ServiceRelease>
 <OSQuest>Windows Server 2008</OSQuest>


  1. This does not fix the issue on Windows XP Service Pack 3 even when the details are changed to suit.

  2. @runey71: Try removing all previous log files from c:\program files\lenovo\system update\logs

  3. I've updated the blog a bit. Try now

  4. Can this work on Windows Server 2008? If so, would someone care to show me what the edited portion of MappingInterface.xml should look like?

  5. What is the correct version for Windows Server Datacenter 2008 R2? Trying to get this working on that. Thanks.

  6. I hope this helps anyone who is still having trouble:


  7. In my case the issue was that it said WIN7-PRO not WIN7-PRO.SP1

  8. Thanks. It worked like charm :)

  9. This solved the problem in my Thinkpad T410 Windows 7 Professional SP1.

  10. Lenovo X1 Carbon, worked like a charm. Thank you :)

  11. I am using Windows 10 and I don't know what to add to the XML (it's not Windows 7 probably)... anyone have any clue?

  12. It appears that the XML doc doesnt have XP Pro SP4 in its coding. but it wont allow me to add this in to see if it fixes my issue. can someone guide me on how to add this in. I'm a novice at this kind of thing?

  13. Thank you! Mine was disabled, but I added the line and it worked. Coming from a X201 laptop, windows professional.

    Also... this is my third time trying to say thank you. Logins are stupid. Waste my time with something else, like a mini US quiz.
